Reiki Certifications

Reiki  Certifications

You NOW can help yourself and others to reduce stress and induce relaxation that promotes healing just by using the resources that is all around you, energy,  with-out risks or side effects… Reiki – Rei which means “Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. is a Japanese healing technique which is practice throughout the world today to help manage symptoms and improve general well-being.

Reiki is a complementry health approach commanly used, even the Cleveland clinic in Ohio and the University of Maryland Medical Center offer Reiki treatments to patients as integrative medicine.

Reiki I Certification

Reiki (ray-key) is passed from a teacher to student by attunements, which allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of Universal Life Force energy. Once attuned, the student can channel Reiki through their hands by placing them on or slightly above specific non-invasive areas of the body for stress reduction and relaxation to facilitate healing and wellness. Reiki is completely safe and gentle. Reiki is fun and easy to learn. Animals enjoy receiving Reiki as much as people do. There are three degrees of Reiki.

Date: Mar. 29, 2025

Time: 10:00-3:00
Register by Mar. 24
Cost $280.00

Private one on one certification is available by appointment.

What to bring:

  • An open mind
  • Blanket and cushion to sit on
  • Packed lunch and drink
  • Pen and notebook

This workshop will cover…

  • History of Usui Reiki
  • Uses of Reiki
  • Level 1 Attunements
  • Reiji-ho – developing your intuition
  • Byosen Scanning – detecting where Reiki is needed
  • Hand positions for treating others
  • Hand positions for self treatment

You will…

  • Complete a Reiki session
  • Receive a Reiki session
  • Receive a Reiki I Manual
  • Receive a Pendulum
  • Receive a Reiki I Certificate

“Brenda has a calming spirit and was able to share the information with me in a manner that is easy to understand.”

Terri J.
Lenhartsville, PA

“Brenda was very clear and direct when teaching about Reiki energy. The class unfolded in a very informative and empowering way. I can’t wait to start using it and living it.”

Deborah M.
New Tripoli, PA

610.737.9560 for directions and registration



Reiki II Certification

You will receive a greater perspective of how the energy of self affects the energy of others around them and a deeper understanding of using Reiki healing for yourself and others opening doors to higher levels of awareness.
You will learn advances techniques, tools and three sacred symbols used as a focus to enable you to strengthen mental and emotional healing and to send absentee healing.
You receive two attunements and develop both a greater sensitivity to energy and intuitive awareness.
Reiki II will provide the necessary training and discipline required for you to operate publicly as a Reiki practitioner if this is your intention.
Class date: March 16, 2025
Time: 10:00 – 3:00
Register by Mar. 10
Cost $280.00
Private one on one certification is available by appointment.
What to bring:
  • An open mind
  • Blanket and cushion to sit on
  • Packed lunch and drink
  • Pen and notebook
This workshop will cover…
  • Quick review of Reiki I
  • Uses of Reiki for Specific conditions
  • Reiki II Attunements
  • Understanding Reiki symbols for intensifying Reiki energy
  • distant healing and releasing emotional and mental blockages to change unwanted habits
  • creating balance
You will…
  • Practice using Reiki symbols for treatments
  • Receive a Reiki II Certificate
Call For Directions and Registration 610.737.9560

Reili III Master/Teacher Certification

Date: TBA

Time: 9:00-2:00
Register by 
Cost $895.00
Workshop limited to 4

Becoming a Reiki Master is a step further into your own self-discovery, development and spirituality. It is also a further commitment to the practice of care and service of others. The Light within you is touching the Light within another, you are the channel of the Universal Energies which to flow through. Being a part of this process is a great honor and spiritually supports your growth as well as the collective consciousness.

Reiki III Attunements

  • Instruction on teaching Reiki
  • Instruction on passing attunements
  • Lots of practice passing attunements
  • Instruction on the business side of Reiki Master
  • Usui Reiki Lineage
  • Reiki Master/Teacher CertificateReiki III teaching manual

Call and make an appointment for this workshop!
610.737.9560 for directions and registration

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Brenda, for joining me and for your guidance on my spiritual path. 
I have received Reiki I and II and, just recently,  Reki Master attunements from Brenda over the last few years. I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. I have participated in some of Brenda’s other workshops as well and I always take new info home with me. I find Brenda to be very knowledgeable and professional as well as compassionate and caring.

If you ever get the opportunity to work with Brenda, do it, she will help you! I love her!”
Sharon G.
Palmerton, PA